I like to experiment with other craft techniques, too, like fabric painting, making suncatchers, etc.
I have a kit to make suncatchers - the static-cling kind. It's a german-made set from Lidl, with 2 outliners and 8 colours. Lots of fun, although it can be surprisingly tricky to get right.
You can see more recent items here on Flickr.

These are my first attempts at making suncatchers, and they now reside on my porch window. It's good stuff - you can even blend the colours. They're really thin & flexible, and the whole thing is translucent, so they look great in the sunlight.

More suncatchers, made as Easter gifts for my nephew Matthew.

These suncatchers were all made as gifts. My sister's car, the only rocket-propelled Starlet ever, is known as the "Starlet Express"

These were made for my little niece Jessica - her favourite cartoon characters. Personally I think Tellytubbies are quite revoltingly ugly, but there you go!
I decorated this little glass with engraving as a gift for my sister, Wendy, to celebrate her landing a great new job. It packaged up nicely with a mini bottle of Baileys Irish Cream, so she can have a drink on me!
I know it's hard to see - sorry about that, but fine work on glass is a very difficult thing to take a picture of.
The lady commissioning this hairbrush originally wanted a pyrographed design, but the hairbrush she supplied was already varnished. Rather than try to remove the varnish, she decided that having the design painted on in acrylics would be nice.
Fabric Paint
I have a set of Pebeo fabric paints, which are great fun, and iron on permanently.You can see more recent items here on Flickr.
Here's my first attempt at fabric painting... a Scrubbly! Done on a scrap of linen.
Other things
I've done lots of embroidery on the past, but haven't done any for ages - it's so time-consuming.
But I do have some new toys to play with, acquired via the ubiquitous EBay - some Pebeo glass paints, fabric paints & silk paints. So that's the next things I'll try...
I've also tried my hand at beading and making dreamcatchers, as well as fondant cake decorationsfor Dad's birthday.
If you would like to commission something from me, please contact me with details of your requirements, or take a look at the Sales page for some examples. Please note that I'm not as adept at engraving, as yet, so I'd only undertake simple engraving commissions